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Luann Hume

Home: 978-537-5669

Cell: 978-235-4866

Mediums: Watercolor and Pastel

     Luann has been painting most of her life. Having Mr. Munson as a wonderful art teacher and mentor, she was on her way to a lifetime of art! She continuously progressed and learned her chosen field of art by attending art demonstrations, classes, and workshops, and reading as many art books as possible.
     She has won a very long list of awards in local, regional, national, and international shows. Some of her most recent awards include the Saco & Biddeford Bank Award 2009 -10th International Pastel Painters of Maine; Jack Richeson Award & Pearl Art Society Award 2008- Pastel Society of NH; Art Guild of the Kennebunks Peoples Choice Award 2007, 2008; Art Guild of the Kennebunks – First Place 2007; Jay York Award 2006 – PPOM Seventh Annual International Pastel Show.
     Luann is a member of the Leominster Art Association, Maine Women of the Arts, Art Guild of the Kennebunks, New Hampshire’s Pastel Society, Pastel Society of America Assoc., Pastel Painters of Maine.

Luann Hume

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