The Leominster Art Center & Gallery will serve the community by engaging and enlightening people through art to further enhance our community's educational, cultural and economic development goals. The Leominster Art Center & Gallery will foster an ability in local artists to promote and displaytheir artistic talents in a variety of creative mediums. From our strong base, we will strive to extend our sense of community and dedication to all forms of art beyond our city borders.

Kevin McCarthy
Kevin was raised and schooled in Leominster and later lived in Boston
for 32 years. For 20 of those years he resided in a large building called The Chickering Piano Factory which was a multi-cultural, mixed-income
community for approximately 200 artists. He exhibited his work in their beautiful gallery several times in addition to several exhibits at The South End Public Library and BostonUniversity.
In the past few years Kevin returned to Leominster renewing his interest in his artwork even further than before. He has found the art community here to be very welcoming and encouraging.
He was accepted into three exhibits in 2009 at the Fitchburg Art Museum - "Art in Bloom", "Snap and shoot" - a photograph exhibit and had a large painting of The Stone House accepted for the Fitchburg RegionalArt Museum. That was a lifelong dream.
Kevin has exhibited at the Leominster Art Association Annual Art Exhibit for several years. As a member he has taken part in their art sales as well at The Public Library.
His works represent oil painting, watercolor, pastel, needlepoint,
sculpture and photography.
He recently took part in the benefit/auction to raise funds to renovate
the Arc Clubhouse for the Mentally Disabled. His painted chair which he created sold for over $150.
One of Kevin's photographs was awarded the Mayor's Award at the 2010 Leominster Art Association Annual Exhibit. Kevin is a member of the Leominster Art Center in downtown Leominster.
Recently Kevin was awarded two ribbons for the same paining entitled
"Stranger on a Bench". At the Leominster Art Association he was awarded the Second Prize ribbon in the Amateur category. Then just a few weeks later his same painting was awarded an Honorable Mention Ribbon at The Princeton Annual Art Exhibit. Only 28 ribbons were awarded at the Princeton Exhibit out of over 300 pieces of artwork.
Kevin McCarthy
I am very happy. My "Chinese Vase With Flowers" painting won 1st place at the Leominster Art Association's Annual Exhibit 2014. It's surreal. It is a wonderful exhibit. Hundreds of pieces of artwork. St. Leo's Auditorium on Main Street in Leominster.