The Leominster Art Center & Gallery will serve the community by engaging and enlightening people through art to further enhance our community's educational, cultural and economic development goals. The Leominster Art Center & Gallery will foster an ability in local artists to promote and displaytheir artistic talents in a variety of creative mediums. From our strong base, we will strive to extend our sense of community and dedication to all forms of art beyond our city borders.
LACG is run by the board of directors, made up of five people. Every two years, possible candidates come forward and members of the LACG vote for their top five. Being on the board is an important job that requires commitment as well as working along side with fellow artists.
The job of being on the board ranges from making preparations for events, advertising the center, ensuring the gallery has various items/displays needed to operate as well as keeping their members well informed.
​ As you can see, these are very big tasks and require a lot of effort. Volunteers are always appreciated when able to assist with these things which helps keep the center up and running.

Next election should take place at the beginning of November 2014 with the new board taking over January 2015. Please come back for any updates and details as the time draws closer to elect new board members.

The current board members are...
(Click on a name to see their profile as well as contact info)