The Leominster Art Center & Gallery will serve the community by engaging and enlightening people through art to further enhance our community's educational, cultural and economic development goals. The Leominster Art Center & Gallery will foster an ability in local artists to promote and displaytheir artistic talents in a variety of creative mediums. From our strong base, we will strive to extend our sense of community and dedication to all forms of art beyond our city borders.
Jim is an active photographer on land and under the surface of the ocean. His underwater travels include Truk Lagoon, Bikini Atoll, Thailand, Indonesia plus numerous dive sites in the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean. On land, Jim's subjects range from local events and wildlife to photographic opportunities in the southern U.S. Working from home, Jim does his own printing, matting and framing. His images have won awards in both local and international competitions. His photographs were recently published in a hard cover book describing the sculptures of Louis Charpentier, Leominster's most famous resident artist. In addition to exhibiting at the Leominster Art Center & Gallery, Jim is a Resident Artist at Rollestone Studios in Fitchburg and a member of the Camera Club of Central New England and the Leominster Art Association.

The above photo of Jim was taken at Bikini Atoll on the bridge of the USS Saratoga by a local dive-master.
Jim McKnight
Medium: Photography
Jim McKnight
Photographer, Leominster, MA
Jim’s has been focused on digital photography for the past eight years both on land and underwater. Photography trips have included such exotic places as Indonesia’s Lambeh Strait, Truk Lagoon and Bikini Atoll. Locally, Jim has established himself as a resident artist at Rollstone Studios in Fitchburg. Subjects have ranged from nature to urban settings, to macro and the artistic. In recent years, Jim has won awards at local competitions including Leominster Arts Association, Princeton Arts Society and Jaffrey Civic Center. His work has been accepted by the Fitchburg Art Museum for their regional exhibition for the past three years. His work at Rollstone Studios includes macro photography, portraiture and still life subjects. Jim is an active member of the Camera Club of Central New England, the Leominster Arts Association, Princeton Arts Society, Gardner Area League of Artists and the Leominster Arts Center and Gallery.

The above photo of Jim was taken at Bikini Atoll on the bridge of the USS Saratoga by a local divemaster.